
Sonic frontiers
Sonic frontiers

The release date for this game is on November 8, 2022.Image Courtesy of Sonic Frontiers More about Sonic Frontiers As it also has challenges for you to try and play with. More about the cyber space levels is that it can help test your skills.Since it is remastering the classic levels from the previous Sonic generations in the past years. It would be great to see more cyber space levels from this game.As it only gave us a glimpse of these cyberspace levels, we may still have more to come. We saw a glimpse of Green Hill Zone, the Sky Sanctuary, and more. There is a cyber space level in this game.In each place has its challenges and secrets for the players to discover along the way.These open zones go from forests, deserts, waterfalls, and more to discover. This is what players are going to experience. The version of this game introduces 5 different open zone places as per Sonic Frontiers.Image Courtesy of Sonic Frontiers There is a new open zone Moreover, we are going to see how Sonic is going to manage it. Since it can make him weak during battles. Sage could use this as an advantage against Sonic.This red thing that got to Sonic is perhaps because Sage is stopping him. It looks like it got hurt Sonic and made him stumble for a while. In a particular scene in the trailer where Sonic’s right arm got a red thing.Image Courtesy of Sonic Frontiers A possible weakness of Sonic But there is no other information about it yet and we might see more inhabitants on the ancient island. Assumingly, this creature could be one of the targets by Sage and her robot army.In the beginning, Sage tried to kill this little creature and then got rescued by Sonic. This little coconut-like creature in the story trailer seems to be an inhabitant of the ancient island.Image Courtesy of Fanpop / Pinterest The breakdown of other details in the story trailer Inhabitants in the ancient island So as of now, Sonic is the only main character confirmed in the game. However, there are no other announcements of which characters are appearing. It would be great to see him, Miles Prower, Shadow, and the other characters in the game.As he is also part of the main character of the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Knuckles wasn’t on the trailer but it would still be possible for him to be on the game.Image Courtesy of Sonic Frontiers Knuckles the Echidna, and other characters So we are yet to know about this character in the game soon. Moreover, she may also play a big role in the story too. She might also be the one who held Amy Rose hostage.It also looks like she is the one in control of the robot enemies going against Sonic. There was a mysterious character who appears to be a foe in the game.

sonic frontiers

Image Courtesy of Sonic Frontiers The mysterious foe So there’s a high chance that she was the character shown and Sonic is going to rescue her. In addition, she has an immense crush on Sonic. Amy Rose is part of the main characters in the Sonic the Hedgehog series.But when Sonic came forward to it, he said “Amy, is that you?” At first glance, it certainly looks like Amy Rose. It was seen on the trailer a certain character who is abducted by the enemies.The possible characters and other details in the upcoming Sonic Frontiers The possible characters Amy Rose So we are going to show you the possible characters and other details you didn’t notice from the story trailer. As it was also shown in the trailer another character that Sonic may know. Moreover, players may wonder if other characters are coming in this game too.

Sonic frontiers