
Seven year itch
Seven year itch

This can be a first step towards taking action and improving your union. Finding 10 to 20 minutes a day to write down your thoughts can help you identify specific issues or impulses that are impacting your relationship. Journaling can help us clarity and articulate our feelings. Here are some suggestions from marriage experts: Put Pen To Paper If you are experiencing a seven year itch (or a two, four, or seventeen year itch…) don’t panic, know that you are not alone and that waning enthusiasm and the impulse to jump ship are normal things to feel from time to time in a long term committed relationship. The best way to prevent the seven year itch from taking hold is to get on top of it before anyone feels the urge to scratch. The seven year itch isn’t inevitable, it’s just that relationships require care and attention to survive, but often working on our relationship sinks to the bottom of our priority lists when more immediate and pressing issues require our attention. It’s not that some curse befalls all relationships on the seven year anniversary. (In other words: marriage isn’t the issue here, it’s simply a matter of time.) While statistics about married people support the concept of the seven year itch, unmarried couples in long-term committed relationships aren’t immune to waning passions around the seven year mark either. The stress of raising a family, dealing with ailing parents, changing jobs, or just some sense of monotony can make couples feel a chy. If couples make it past this hump, they are in for another period of smooth sailing until about the seven year point. This makes sense: the excitement of planning a wedding is over and the honeymoon period has come and gone. The first is around the first or second year of marriage.

seven year itch

Psychologists say there are key two points in a marriage where it is common for couples to report big dips in relationship satisfaction.

seven year itch

Instead of letting the holiday stress get to you, download and try Relish for relationship resources insight quizzes, thoughtful date nights, and texting with your personal coach to get you through to the new year!) (By the way, most divorce filings are made in January, as the holidays can be tough on relationships. The median length for a marriage to end in divorce is 7.6 years according to the National Vital Statistics System. It seems statistics do in fact back up the theory of the seven year itch. But is it fact or fiction? Is the seven year itch a real threat to marriage longevity or just a popular culture myth that we’ve all come to believe is true? The seven year itch is the popular belief-sometimes quoted by psychologists-that happiness declines significantly about seven years into a marriage.

Seven year itch